
The Heart of Po Delta Park on Horseback

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A cavallo nel cuore del Parco del Delta del Po

Camargue horses from the Po Delta, bred in the Riding Center Spiaggia Romea, are the ideal companions for quiet strolls in the pine wood of the Po Delta, thank to their mild and obedient temperament. Accompanied by an expert guide, you will ride into a nature reserve of extraordinary charm

Duration: 1h

WHEN: From March 27th to June, 2nd every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9.00 am. From June, 5th to June, 21st every Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00 am

MEETING POINT: Maneggio Hotel Club Spiaggia Romea – Lido delle Nazioni (Fe)

Po Delta Tourism
Tel: +39 0533 81302 – +39 346 5926555
Mail: info@podeltatourism.it
Sito: www.podeltatourism.it



Event Details

Lido delle Nazioni - Comacchio (Fe)

This event finished on 21 June 2018.

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